Dr. Koen de Smet
Koen De Smet (Feb. 3, 1962)
Dr. Koen De Smet is an orthopaedic & trauma surgeon, specialized in the hip resurfacing method and regarded one of the top 10 surgeons in this field in the world.
- Graduated in Medicine in 1989 from the University of Ghent, Belgium
- 1986-1987: research-assistant at the Orthopedic and Traumatologic Department of the Ghent St.Vincentius Hospital, Belgium
- 1989-1990: General Surgery at the Rotherham District General Hospital, United Kingdom
- 1990-1992: General Surgery at the St Jozef Hospital, Gentbrugge, Belgium 1992-1993: Orthopedics Heilig-Hart-Hospital,Tienen, Belgium
- 1993-1995: Orthopedics and Traumatology University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
- Dr. De Smet is staff member of the General Hospital Jan Palfijn of Ghent and Director of the ANCA-Clinic
- Expert domains:
- Hip surgery: Hip Resurfacing, Total Hip Replacement and Revision Hip Surgery
- Achievements:
- Dr. De Smet reached 10.000 hip surgeries (primary and revision) in February 2018 of which half are hip resurfacing procedures
- General:
- Dr. De Smet is author/co-author of numerous scientific papers, has organized several international congresses on hip resurfacing and acts as a highly qualified training centre[hr]
Koen De Smet, MD
Anca Medical Center Gent
Xavier De Cocklaan 68.1
9831 St.Martens Latem (Deurle)
Phone: +3292525903
Website: www.hip-clinic.com
Ancaclinic Rome
Valle Giulia ROMA Italy
Extra information: Dr. De Smet uses different hip resurfacing prostheses under which BHR, Conserve Plus, followed by THR with large ceramic heads.
Gabor Kemeny
My wife needs hip resurfacing surgery. We have friends who received the resurfacing with Dr De Smet and interested in learning about the current location, cost and other considerations. We can provide the X-rays for initial evaluation. Please let us know the next steps.
Ron van Mierlo
Hello Gabor, please follow the steps outlined in the email that you were sent.
Kenneth Powers
I read that Dr De Smet is part of the group of sergeons doing the ReCerf ceramic on ceramic reserfacing. This is the only joint that I would want inside me if I fit the profile. That said, I am just about 60, and would like to play competitive basketball again with 24 year old college students. Let me know the approximate cost to be included in this study. Thanks, Ken
Anders Kihlberg
My name is Anders Kihlberg. I am an active 59 year old, non smoking, man that plays tennis, run, play hockey and golf, In the winter I ski and swim to stay fit I practice at least 3-4 times a week. Since a few years back I have an issue with my right hip. I have pain getting up every morning and I have to do excercises to get going. I have a hard time getting my socks and shoes on.
I am intrested in a resurfacing operation because I have heard that you can keep sporting like I do now some time after the operation. In Sweden they do not perform this kind of operation.
I have x-rays proving the issue…
Best Regards
Anders Kihlberg
Martin Phillips
Good evening and a welcome from Martin, here in England.
I am awaiting a hip operation here in Nottingham.
My consultant is Andrew Manktelow, who you may well know
and I have been seeing Andrew for a number of years now.
My first x-ray indicating the start of oseoarthritis of the left hip was taken 3 years ago.
I am a very fit man in my early 60s and an international athlete.
My preference is for a recerf ceramic resurfacing operation,
which will allow me to run again eventually I hope, after recovery from the operation.
I was told in ealy June this year to expect an operation in August.
I have had my pre-op and been passed fit for an operation
and have had a recent x-ray, in July 2021
Alas since all covid restrictions have been lifted the hospitals
are now full again with covid patients, and all elective surgery including
hip operations have been cancelled until further notice.
Because of my smaller statue I would prefer a ceramic rather than a metal resurfacing operation.
My question to you is this an operation that can be done in Belgium for me please?
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Martin,
I send you an email message a minute ago with some information.
Regards Ron
Scott Woods
Hi, I’m a 34 male with FAI and resultant arthritis in both hips. Am very interested in having resurfacing on both but have been advised I’m slightly too small to have a standard resurfacing and would love to go the ceramic route if possible. Declined a THR last year in search of this prospect. Any help most appreciated.
Andrea lucani
Buongiorno x un rivestimento anca posso sapere il costo .Grazie .
Ron van Mierlo
Dear Andrea, I just answered you by email, regards Ron
Alex Ziegenbein
I am a 34 year old male with CAM impingement and significant osteo-arthritis. I have received mixed advise on whether a arthroscopic surgery for the impingement holds any promise and would therefore like to explore/discuss the possiblity of resurfacing. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Best wishes,
Ron van Mierlo
See my email Alex, regards Ron
Lorraine Wilkinson
I am interested In having the hip resurfacing if possible. I am an active long distance ultra runner and woukd like to still run long distance. If having the resurfacing for females ehat is the outcome long term. How many issues do you have with female patients and what problems are tgere. My head of the femur is 48.5 mm will that be a problem and do you have smaller implants for female’s. My Dr spoke with Dr James Makenzie and he was positive about me having the resurfacing done. What is the cost of private hip resurfacing and where is the surgery done. What are the stats for your female patients with good outcomes V with problems post op. Everything I read about females having resurfacing has not been positive can you tell me how your resurfacing procedure is different. How long does the resurfacing ladt before having to get a THR.
Ron van Mierlo
Lorraine, you were sent an answer by email. regards Ron
Johnny C
I would like information on having a hip resurfacing. I have osteoarthritis and am in a lot of pain.
Ron van Mierlo
Johnny in response I sent two email messages yesterday, regards Ron
Claudia Corapi
Good morning Dr. De Smet.
I’ve been suffering with my right hip since 2020.
I am an ex-ballerina and I am 34 years old. From the recent MRI and RX done, the cartilage and the labrum are both damaged.
I’ve seen already 5 specialists between Italy and Luxembourg, and they all told me the only thing they can try is an arthroscopy (with less than 50% chances) and eventually cortisone infiltration.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Ron van Mierlo
Hello Claudia, Please see the email message that I sent you a minute ago. /Ron van Mierlo
Laverne Kamieniecki
Don’t know if this is the right site but Dr De Smet did a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing back in 2007. Could you please send me a email address so I can contact your office Thanks Laverne Kamieniecki i
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Laverne, I just mailed you so please check both your inbox and junkbox in case attached file cuases this. /Ron
Ekaterina Gibiansky
I am an active 62 years old female with osteoarthritis of the left hip. I would like to explore the possibility of having hip resurfacing surgery with Dr De Smet. Please let me know how to proceed.
Thank you
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Ekatarina, If all went well you have received email from ne 1½ days ago. Regards, Ron
Lisa micklewright
I’m looking for some help , my 17 year old has been told he has to have a hip replacement, he is extremely active so I’m looking at getting him the best help I can , could you please give me some info on prices ect , Thankyou .
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Lisa, as indicated by you per email the waiting is now for your son’s x-rays and details, regards Ron.
Hello, Dr. De Smet,
I would like some information about hip resurfacing. Had MRI and was advised a hip replacement. Heard many good words about you from my friends that you helped.
Regards Audrius
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Audrius, please see my email message, regards Ron
Mariusz Rokoszak
Hello, I would like to know, does Dr. De Smet uses MoM (Adept) prosthetics smaller than 48mm?
Ron van Mierlo
Hello Mariusz,
You should never try to play doctor and determine something even before the specialist with the knowledge has decided what the situation requires. So see my complete answer in the separate email message, regards Ron
I am a 29 year old woman who suffers with FAI, labral tears & cartilage damage. I have had arthroscopy with little to no relief. I am a very active person and very athletic. I am a serving member of the Military and fear I will loose my career if this continues. I am in a lot of pain daily and I am interested in the crematic resurfacing.
Thank you
Ron van Mierlo
Hello Jemma, I’m sending you email with a response so please keep an eye on your junk folder as well in case the attachment is classed as junk. Regards Ron
I am a 51 year old active woman who suffers the last three years with a strong hip pain in my right side.
The last x-ray in Sept, indicating the start of osteoarthritis. I am a sports lover and I wish to continue my athletic life. I am a friend of Nikos Konstantinidis who told me that he is very happy with the resurfacing surgery with Dr. Koen de Smet.
Can you send me the next steps, please?
Thank you in advance
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Maria, I sent you email with details, regards Ron
Hello, just a note:
I am now 62 years old and have have a near problem-free Adept surface prosthesis on the right for 15 years.
I have been familiar with Koen de Smet’s work since that time 15 years ago and have now also had an Adept surface replacement prosthesis implanted by Koen (since December 2023) on the left MoM.
The decision to fly to Ghent to see Koen was certainly one of the best and most important decisions I made. The experience I had in Ghent was exceptionally good and excellent in every way (professionally as well as personally); and far surpassed the experience I had in Germany (but also in Switzerland) even at the already highly professional and specialized centers before.
would not have believed before that there could still be so significant differences due to this highly professional team in Ghent in comparison. I would not have believed before that there could still be so significant differences international due to this highly professional team in Ghent with Koen in comparison.
Thanks also to surfacehippy Patricia Walter where I started my intensive search for a solution 15 years ago as a competitive athlete with hip problems at that time, I am writing this not only as a patient, but professionally trained in musculoskeletal imaging also with a focus on hips triggered by the problems I had 15 years ago.
THANK YOU Koen and the whole team! Matthias
Joost Hettinga
Hello Dr de Smet, my 18 year old son probably needs a hip surgery. In The Netherlands they do not perform resurfacing hip surgery and reading about it I do not understand this especially with very young patient. Can you provide me information please?
Ron van Mierlo
Hallo Joost, zie aub de emailboodschap die ik je daarnet stuurde /Ron.
Christian Annarumma
I have been part of prof Cobb clinical trial for H1 and been operated successfully three years ago for my right hip. My left hip is now needing surgery and the h1 hasn’t still been approved in UK so was wondering if I could be operated with ReCerf by Dr Koen de Smet. Would you be able to let me know about cost and availability?
Many thanks. Christian
Dear Dr De Smet,
I am a 38 yo with advanced OA in both my hips. I have played football my entire life almost professionally and that might be one of the reasons. 5 years ago a doctor recommended me to stop and since then i do no impact sports. 2 months ago I played a tennis paddle game with friends and I did not feel any pain while practising however after that day I suffered hip pain for 3 weeks.
I would like to share with you the latest MRIs and X-rays and discuss whether I should go for bilateral Hip resurfacing.
Many thanks for your help.
Ayah Lensford
I urgently would like to send records to Dr Smet’s office, I need hip resurfacing on my left hip. I am thankful I found this site. Please contact me as soon as possible to go forward.
Ayah Lensford
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Ayah, please see the email that I sent earlier today, regards Ropn van Mierlo.
Dear All,
Hope you are all fine and doing well?
I had an accident on 11th Jan 2023 and because of this my neck of femur is dislocated.
After surgery, my leg length is 1 inch shorter and I can’t walk properly and having lamping. My country’s doctor advising me to go to for THR and HIP resurfacing from aboard. Please suggest which one is the best available option for me.
Thank you
Ron van Mierlo
Dear Umair, see my earlier email, regards Ron
I need hip resurfacing surgery. I found some comments about you on internet who received the resurfacing with Dr De Smet and I am interested in learning about the current location, cost and other considerations. I can provide the X-rays for initial evaluation. Please let me know the next steps.
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Juliano, please see my email message, regards Ron
Hello I’ve heard great feed back from friend who had resurfacing with DR Smet. I’ve had two arthroscopic surgeries on my right hip which have only made it worse. Looking to do a resurfacing. Please advise how to proceed.
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Dominic, I sent you a detailed email, regards Ron
Good evening,
My name is Aleksander, I’m 34 years old and I live in Poland.
In November 2023 after a few months of diagnosis and living in pain located on right hip doctor decided to order MRI. MRI showed that I’m having AVN in both hips.
In right hip doctor estimated that 60% of head was affected.
After this diagnosis I was taken into care by well respected orthopaedic and surgeon in Gdańsk city. First decision made by this doctor was postponing surgery (replacing hip into artificial) as long as it will be possible. Unfortunately disease progressed in right hip. After second MRI (April 2024) doctor decided that I need to have surgery as soon as possible.
Surgery of right hip was performed on July 2024.
in August 2024 I had consultation with other specialist in orthopedics. I performed third MRI (left hip). In his opinion I need to have surgery in left hip as soon as possible. In current state of left hip he suggested arthroscopy. In his opinion in that way there is a big chance of saving the hip for some time.
I’m deeply afraid that avascular necrosis will appear in other bones. Sometimes I have small episodes of pain in right knee and foot.
In order to find root case of AVN I spent 7 days rheumatology department (end of August 2024) and after a bunch of tests they sent me to home without any diagnosis. I visited also cardiologist and neurologist and they also didn’t find any connections in their field with my problem. Currently I’m waiting to see a hematologist but I almost lost any hope in that matter.
I’m writting to you for:
1. Second opinion about necessity of this suggested solution.
2. Some advice where I can find the root cause of AVN.
Thank you in advance for any responce.
Ron van Mierlo
Hi Aleksander, we already connected through email today for a solution of your problem. Regards Ron
Melisa Basut
Greetings from Istanbul
I can’t explain how excited I am to have found such innovative system.
I’ve heard and read great things about resurfacing with Dr De Smet.
I’m currently 45 years old, I was born breach and had surgery at 1.5 yrs old on one hip (right hip)
eventually because of the disalignment I had to have a hip displacia surgery 6 years ago (left hip)
recovered fast and everything was great for some time.
but the other one begun hurting.
Now for the last two years I have excruciating pains in my right hip (the one I had surgery when I was a baby) and also my right knee, I can barely put on socks or tie shoes.
I think it’s time to have a surgery to improve my daily life which is currently affected negatively since I can barely walk
and I would love to go back to my active and sportive life.
In order to find out more about the procedures and hip resurfacing surgery I would kindly ask for your assistance. I am interested in learning about the current location, duration of hospitalization, all surgery related costs and other considerations.
I can provide the X-rays for initial evaluation.
Please let me know about the following steps.
Much appreciated
Paulo Meirelles
Dear Dr De Smet,
I am a 66 years old with OA in my right hip. I have played volleyball, tennis, golf and run marathons since young. Since April of this year I started feeling pain in my right hip. An MRI and X-rays showed that a I have a small fracture in the head of my femur and some inflammation. My doctor in São Paulo, where I live, recommended me to contact you in case I need a surgery. I would like to share with you the latest MRIs and X-rays and discuss whether I should go for Hip resurfacing.
Looking forward to discussing my case with you.
Best regards,
Ron van Mierlo
See my reply by email earlier today with advice how to proceed.
Susan Marie McIver
I live in Alaska USA. I am told by doctors here that i need a THR in my Left hip and a TKR in right knee. I am only 64yo, have been healthy and slim my whole life, in good shape, am still working and swim almost everyday. I have none of the many risk factors such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. I have had bone surgeries in the past and know it is the most excruciating pain there is when you come out of Anesthesia. I just can’t stand the idea of a big shaft being hammpered into my femur and I’ve seen several bone surgeries when I worked clinicals in a surgical unit for my RN. It is why I am not a surgical RN.
I would really like to see if I could send you copies of my MRIs and Xrays to see if I am a candidate for resurfacing my L hip anyway. It does not hurt all that bad; mainly at night if I sleep in a position with that L hip/knee pointing out. It is then very painful to pull that leg back into center, but otherwise it just feels like a sore inner leg tendon or ligament. Can you give me an idea of whether this resurfacing can be done on my hip. I would really appreciate it. In my Right knee, I feel I just need a sewed-up meniscus but the doctor here says no, “whole new knee.” Just the thought of a long period of recovery and related immobility makes me cringe. The knee is getting worse esp going up and down stairs.
Then there’s the issue of coming over from US at least for the hip, if you say you can do the resurfacing. Will my insurance here, Aetna, help cover it? IF not, how much does a resurfacing operation cost in American dollars? Can I apply for any kind of insurance assistance there? Do many Americans do this? I had not heard of you and my ortho doc here said such a thing did not exist as I asked about just fixing the hip where it needs fixed and not cutting off the whole top of the bone and invading the marrow. Then a doctor in a different field told me about you and resurfacing. I look forward to your reply. Sorry I am so wordy but want to be sure to give a good picture of what’s going on.
Thank you,
Susan McIver
Ron van Mierlo
Susan please see my email from the 9th., regards Ron